Mungkin sebagian dari kita dah ngerti cara menghitung rasio kompresi.. Langsung saja..
Dari rumus di wikipedia (tanpa piston volume) :
b = cylinder bore (diameter)
s = piston stroke length
Vc = volume of the combustion chamber (including head gasket). This is the minimum volume of the space into which the fuel and air is compressed, prior to ignition. Because of the complex shape of this space, it usually is measured directly rather than calculated.
Dengan piston Volume
CR = Compression Ratio
Vc = volume of the combustion chamber (including head gasket).
D = Displacement.
PV = Piston Volume
Kenapa ada piston Volume? Karena jika aplikasi Flat top piston maka gak ada masalah, namun jika masang piston cekung atau cembung (jenong) maka Volume silinder atau displacement tentu berubah karena dikurangi/ ditambahi oleh cekungan dan cembungan piston crown..
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